Got Questions? Have All the Answers
From guarantees to writer vetting procedures, find out how our service works for you.
Browse these, or get in touch for a lightning-fast reply.
Is this service confidential?
Yes. Confidentiality is a guarantee, and no one can ever have access to your personal information. We’ve made our website safe and secure for you with 256-bit encryption, regular system checks, and in-house engineers keeping watch. We even go so far as to remove file properties (i.e. the name of the document’s author) from the final project so that no mention of our involvement can ever get out, even if just by accident.
How fast is your service?
Your project will be completed within the timeframe you set for us. Our minimum turnaround time is only three hours. And if you’ve been wondering, our support team’s response time is one minute, no matter the hour of day.
Who are your experts?
All of the experts we employ have been vetted and have passed a multistep screening procedure. These include background checks, language tests, trial assignments and a phone interview. In the end, only 2% of the applicants make the cut to join our team. Sourced from the US, Canada, Australia and the UK, these people are the top academic talent out there.
Will my paper be plagiarism-free?
Yes. We start with a blank page and complete your project according to your exact instructions. Before you receive the final document, the Quality Control Team runs checks against the web and our own database to ensure the content is unique. And if you need any proof, make sure to request a plagiarism report: it’s free.
How do you ensure your work is always top-notch?
We employ only the top 2% of academic talent out there, and your project is done to meet your specific requirements. The trained editors on our Quality Control Team ensure that no stray typos or misplaced footnotes make it into the final document. And every project is checked for plagiarism so that you only get unique content in your paper.
What if something goes wrong?
Our support team is here 24/7 to give you an update or answer your requests. Once the completed project is delivered to you, you have 10 days to have it revised free of charge. We strive to always meet the high standards that your project demands, and there’s a 60-day quality warranty to ensure you have complete peace of mind.
How do I contact my expert?
You can discuss the details of your project with your expert using the messages section of your order available in your account.